Saturday, August 23, 2008

Martial Arts

The Martial Arts Channel by Precision Strikes makes available the highest quality martial arts instruction, using state of the art DVD quality streaming video that uses the same technology as Disney, ABC News, ESPN and Oprah. Our streaming video technology delivers to your PC the instruction you need and want when you want it....and at a fraction of the price of a DVD.

Students will be able to choose from hundreds of different individual techniques, or purchase entire DVD's via our secure PayPal Pay-Per-View system and have the opportunity to create their own online video storage locker.

The Martial Arts Channel by Precision Strikes is planned to open by the end of October 2008.

Lee Barden will introduce you to ratio motion. Physics, and logic. That is what this whole system is based upon. You can't go wrong with science on your side. You will learn how to turn your standard nunchaku boring old news moves into alive & flowing ratios of motion. This is the most advanced chucks techniques available to the world today. Produced by Lee Barden and directed by Walter Faulkner Advanced Chux for the Intermediate with Lee Barden features Lee Barden
Order: Advanced Chux for the Intermediate